Yangchun barnaheimilið er í syðsta héraði Kína sem heitir Guangdong. Þekkt helst fyrir Hong Kong og Macau.

Ég hef verið óstöðvandi að leita að upplýsingum um allt hvað varðar litlu Hua Zi okkar. Nú hef ég fundið nokkrar athyglisverðar síður um barnaheimilið og um forstöðukonuna sem skrifar undir pappírana okkar - hún heitir Yu Hong Ying. Hún er ung myndarleg kona sem ber greinilega umhyggju fyrir börnunum.

Hér er brot af frásögn fjölskyldu frá USA:

Mrs. Yu sat with us while we had breakfast. It was at this time that we presented her with the box of photos everyone sent me. She was just thrilled with them. It was very obvious from her expression while looking through them that she loved all the children very much. She seemed genuinely overwhelmed by it all, almost to the point of tears. It was amazing to me that she remembered almost all of the children by name, even ones she had not seen for a couple of years. I did notice that she cannot read the pinyin of the children’s names on the back of the photos, so using a chop or the chinese characters is very important for her to be able to clearly identify the children.
We were able to ask her a few questions during this meeting. One thing that I was very curious of was if there was a note, or any belongings left with our daughter when she was found. Hong Ying told us there had been a note left with Bailee, but they threw it out because it was dirty and torn. I explained to her how important things like that are to adoptive parents because it is a small link to their children's birth. She then said that anything left with the children, including the clothes they are wearing are destroyed. In this way, all links with the past are severed. This seemed to be very important to her. I have been told by another Yangchun mother that some members of her travel group did receive things left with their daughters. This group traveled before Mrs. Yu became the director, so maybe this is her personal rule.
We were able to ask her a few questions during this meeting. One thing that I was very curious of was if there was a note, or any belongings left with our daughter when she was found. Hong Ying told us there had been a note left with Bailee, but they threw it out because it was dirty and torn. I explained to her how important things like that are to adoptive parents because it is a small link to their children's birth. She then said that anything left with the children, including the clothes they are wearing are destroyed. In this way, all links with the past are severed. This seemed to be very important to her. I have been told by another Yangchun mother that some members of her travel group did receive things left with their daughters. This group traveled before Mrs. Yu became the director, so maybe this is her personal rule.
Hér er nýrri mynd af forstöðukonunnu - er í miðjunni.

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