Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

miðvikudagur, 13. febrúar 2008

Afgreiðsla umsókna frá CCAA síðasta hálfa ár

Hér eru staðreyndirnar sem tala. Þó að við höfum verið heppinn að vera inni og komið okkur skemmtilega á óvart, þá er þetta samt bara BAD CASE á mælikvarða RQ.

Next, to get an idea of how previous months have fared on the “Horrid/Bad/Mid/Good” scenarios, we have this next little graphic. It doesn’t go back farther because before June I was moving numbers around, in June I settled on some numbers to use and have used them consistently. As I said, I’ve tweaked those numbers so that the new poll should fall within the same benchmarks.

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