Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

þriðjudagur, 12. febrúar 2008

22. jan. 2008 Spekúlasjónir RQ

Mamma að verða "crazy" á að fylgjast með fréttum á vef RQ. Nú telur hún líklegt að LID umsóknir verði afgreiddar í Kína til 22. des. 2005. Jáhá - hvenær kemur þá að okkur ????????

An early Rumor
January 21st, 2008
From comments to yesterday’s post, an agency has told their December 22nd families that they will be included in the batch we are expected at the end of January or beginning of February.

It’s not much, and it’s an early rumor, and it’s one agency. And it is not a cut off date, just a mention of a date the agency thinks will make it into this batch. We’re still in R2 territory with this, but at least it is something.

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