I must admit, I thought you were nuts! When you first started talking about this 3 years ago, I didn't think you were serious. I thought this was just a passing thought that would not come up again. I dismissed it in my mind, knowing (I thought) that we had all the children we would ever have. Over the next couple of years you would talk about adoption and I could see the longing in your heart for a daughter. So many times I wanted to just say "ok, let's do it" but I knew it would have just been to make you happy, and that wouldn't be fair to the child. In your patient, loving way, you gave me all the space I needed. I know now that must have been tearing you up inside. But, God, in his infinite wisdom must have been preparing this all along. When you showed me the pictures and read the post on Sophie and Sage, something inside me started to soften up. I knew something was right about them, but didn't want to or couldn't admit it. The day you came out in the yard and told me that the agency was placing the twins tonight and that you wanted me to "pray fast" about them, I instantly had my answer... I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, these were our girls and I said, "if we submit papers on these twins, they're coming home... You know that don't you?" I was not surprised at all when Stefani called me that evening to talk. I was not surprised at all when the call came later that night, that they were placing the girls with our family. It was meant to be.Now, in the evening of our wait, I am so thrilled to be blessed with these little girls. I can not stop thinking of them. I go to sleep thinking of them. I wake up thinking of them. Every break in the hustle and bustle of my day I think of them. And, I think of you... My wonderful wife. You are the most incredible person I have ever met. Patient, Loving, humble, peaceful, faithful, charitable; to me, you are an angel and I love you. These precious girls don't know how lucky they are to have you as their mother. You will bless their lives, as you have blessed mine.Thank you for being patient and letting me come along at my own pace. Thanks for not pushing when it must have hurt you inside to wait. This is the right time, these are the right girls, and I am ready.Thank you for being my wife. With all my love,Paul
Gestabók Kínastelpunnar
mánudagur, 10. mars 2008
Ástarjátning ættleiðingarföður
Hér að neðan er mjög fallegt bréf ættleiðingarföður, þar sem hann talar um tilfinningar sínar til dætra sinna, en aðallega til eiginkonu sinnar. Pabbi minn ber líka djúpar tilfinningar til mömmu og þykir mjög vænt um hana og auðvitað okkar börnin sín fimm líka ;-). Hann vill því birta þetta bréf, sem einskonar orð frá sér til Hrannar, konunnar sem hann elskar mjög mikið.

I must admit, I thought you were nuts! When you first started talking about this 3 years ago, I didn't think you were serious. I thought this was just a passing thought that would not come up again. I dismissed it in my mind, knowing (I thought) that we had all the children we would ever have. Over the next couple of years you would talk about adoption and I could see the longing in your heart for a daughter. So many times I wanted to just say "ok, let's do it" but I knew it would have just been to make you happy, and that wouldn't be fair to the child. In your patient, loving way, you gave me all the space I needed. I know now that must have been tearing you up inside. But, God, in his infinite wisdom must have been preparing this all along. When you showed me the pictures and read the post on Sophie and Sage, something inside me started to soften up. I knew something was right about them, but didn't want to or couldn't admit it. The day you came out in the yard and told me that the agency was placing the twins tonight and that you wanted me to "pray fast" about them, I instantly had my answer... I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, these were our girls and I said, "if we submit papers on these twins, they're coming home... You know that don't you?" I was not surprised at all when Stefani called me that evening to talk. I was not surprised at all when the call came later that night, that they were placing the girls with our family. It was meant to be.Now, in the evening of our wait, I am so thrilled to be blessed with these little girls. I can not stop thinking of them. I go to sleep thinking of them. I wake up thinking of them. Every break in the hustle and bustle of my day I think of them. And, I think of you... My wonderful wife. You are the most incredible person I have ever met. Patient, Loving, humble, peaceful, faithful, charitable; to me, you are an angel and I love you. These precious girls don't know how lucky they are to have you as their mother. You will bless their lives, as you have blessed mine.Thank you for being patient and letting me come along at my own pace. Thanks for not pushing when it must have hurt you inside to wait. This is the right time, these are the right girls, and I am ready.Thank you for being my wife. With all my love,Paul
I must admit, I thought you were nuts! When you first started talking about this 3 years ago, I didn't think you were serious. I thought this was just a passing thought that would not come up again. I dismissed it in my mind, knowing (I thought) that we had all the children we would ever have. Over the next couple of years you would talk about adoption and I could see the longing in your heart for a daughter. So many times I wanted to just say "ok, let's do it" but I knew it would have just been to make you happy, and that wouldn't be fair to the child. In your patient, loving way, you gave me all the space I needed. I know now that must have been tearing you up inside. But, God, in his infinite wisdom must have been preparing this all along. When you showed me the pictures and read the post on Sophie and Sage, something inside me started to soften up. I knew something was right about them, but didn't want to or couldn't admit it. The day you came out in the yard and told me that the agency was placing the twins tonight and that you wanted me to "pray fast" about them, I instantly had my answer... I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, these were our girls and I said, "if we submit papers on these twins, they're coming home... You know that don't you?" I was not surprised at all when Stefani called me that evening to talk. I was not surprised at all when the call came later that night, that they were placing the girls with our family. It was meant to be.Now, in the evening of our wait, I am so thrilled to be blessed with these little girls. I can not stop thinking of them. I go to sleep thinking of them. I wake up thinking of them. Every break in the hustle and bustle of my day I think of them. And, I think of you... My wonderful wife. You are the most incredible person I have ever met. Patient, Loving, humble, peaceful, faithful, charitable; to me, you are an angel and I love you. These precious girls don't know how lucky they are to have you as their mother. You will bless their lives, as you have blessed mine.Thank you for being patient and letting me come along at my own pace. Thanks for not pushing when it must have hurt you inside to wait. This is the right time, these are the right girls, and I am ready.Thank you for being my wife. With all my love,Paul
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