Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

fimmtudagur, 20. mars 2008

Dýrmætar upplýsingar um Hörpu Hua Zi

Þetta eru nýjustu upplýsingarnar frá barnaheimilinu 19. feb. um stelpuna okkar. Óskaplega er þetta dýrmætt að geta séð hvernig hún sefur, borðar og leikur sér. Einnig sé ég að hún er ennþá svo smá að líklega er stærð 68 best fyrir hana eins og er, það er eitthvað af fötunum hans Kiki til í þeirri stærð. Þau föt sem við höfum verið að kaupa undanfarið eru 74 og 80 - hún vex fljótt uppí þau.
Ótrúlegt að við eigum eftir að sjá hana eftir aðeins 11 daga.

Name: Yang Chun Huazi Sex: Female DOB: June 2, 2007

Current Physical Condition
Height: 68cm
Weight: 6.5kg
Head size: 41cm
Chest size: 43 cm
Foot size: 9cm
Teeth: None

Physical DevelopmentCondition
Yang Chun Huazi’s physical development is normal. She loves to follow her caretakers while in her go-cart. If some one she knows teases her, she would be so happy to wave her body.

Mental Development Condition
Yang Chun Huazi now can recognize strangers and acquaintances. If some one calls her, she would turn her head. She loves to listen to story while being held by adults and would smile seemingly that she could understand it.

Meal Schedule and Preference
She has breakfast at 7:00, lunch at 11:00, snacks at 15:00 and supper at 19:00. If she wakes up at 23:00, we will add another meal for her. Usually she eats soup, juice and tofu. She has no particular demands in food.

Daily Life, Personality, Hobbies and etc
She gets up at 6:30, takes a nap between 12:00 and 14:00 and goes to bed at 21:00. She loves to hold a blanket to fall asleep, if there is no blanket, she would cry.

Favorite Toys and Activities
She loves all kinds of toys and loves to be held outside by adults playing.

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